
2022 Update: US government acknowledges UFOs real, and may be a military threat!! See references.

At present time there is a small group of people on Earth working for Orion. ...
they upset our plans. ...
They have their own Council and the Orion Confederation; ...
OTOF, pp. 514, 515.

So begins a rather fascinating account of this special group of people on Earth who are working for Orion. The quote is from a rather curious book, Other Tongues—Other Flesh [OTOF].

Image:Other Tongues--Other Flesh cover

The book is stated to be a startling sequel to The Saucers Speak! The author, George Hunt Williamson, was known to be one of the shining lights in the world of UFOs and was deeply involved in communications with the UFO entities. And his books contain quite a few messages from these entities. For example OTOF contains comments like:

Space visitors have said: ...
The space people have said ...
Space intelligences have said: ...
In The Saucers Speak! a space intelligence said: ...
In "The Saucers Speak!" Zo said: ...
OTOF, pp. 44, 61, 67, 91, 186.

And in these books as you would expect, you will find quite a few weird stories and messages of things like:

and plenty of such like stuff. But when we come to Orion and this small group of people on Earth the UFO entities really cut loose. They just let it go. George Williamson has put on record for us the following invective from the UFO entities with respect to Orion:

We must tell you about Orion. Many there wish to conquer the Universe. ... Orion systems want to destroy—remember, Orion is evil (negative). OTOF p. 501.
Orion ... is now attempting to interfere on Earth. ... evil influence ... OTOF p. 503.
Orion's ... Confederation of Evil. OTOF p. 504.
The negative space intelligences from Orion ... "Orion" is used by space visitors to indicate the general area from which the evil influences originate. OTOF p. 506.
the evil destroyers ... migrated to Orion in spiritual form. OTOF p. 510.
The ancient inhabitants of Mesopotamia and India knew that Orion's early rising portended storms. Even today, this section of Creation is a stormy section—one that seeks to conquer, to subdue. ... the evil (negative) Orion ... OTOF p. 513.
Orion disturbs other planets and keeps them from operating in the correct manner. ... Orion interferes and holds back. People of Orion are not our kind of people, they do not belong to our Confederation. They interrupt and are unruly. At present time there is a small group of people on Earth working for Orion. ... They come among you to disperse all things not in keeping with their own ideas; they upset our plans. ... They prey on the unsuspecting; they are talkative; ... OTOF p. 514.
We have our own men who watch over these pirates of Creation. They have their own Council and the Orion Confederation; but they know little through their own ingenuity for they are the Universal parasites! Disturbers, negative elements; ... The Orion people are The Intruders in your world ... we will not have them disturb our preparations and plans for the Earth planet. OTOF p. 515.
Watch for them; their numbers increase as the "sorrows" of Earth increase. They will persist, but they will not succeed—but we will succeed, for our mission is of the Father's authority and His will shall prevail. Worry not about these Orion influences; they cannot harm those who serve the Infinite Father. Pity them, love them, pray for them, for they know not what they do! OTOF p. 516.
This is the pattern of The Intruder—to disrupt, cause dissension, strife, trouble, interfere! OTOF p. 526.

John Keel in his book UFOs Operation Trojan Horse [OTH] also made the following amazing statement about Orion:

In modern UFO-contactee lore, beginning in the early 1950's, the constellation of Orion is frequently cited as the home of "evil spacemen" who are planning to take over the earth. A famous British contactee, Arthur Bryant, claimed that on April 24, 1965, a UFO occupant informed him that "forces from Epsilon are already here in the form of poltergeists." Epsilon Orionis is the central star in the belt of Orion. OTH, p. 190.

Image:The Orion Nebula
Picture of Orion Nebula

Just why all this vitriol against Orion anyway? It's a pretty big place out there in the universe. Why in the world are the UFO entities so upset about these people? Is Orion really the home of "evil spacemen" who are planning to take over the Earth?

In Florida there is a minister who claims the world is about to end ... Again, the word "Orion" gives him away. He is under negative control!
In The Saucers Speak! a Wyoming evangelist is quoted as saying that God's throne and God, himself, are located in the Orion nebula. ... another Intruder!
George Williamson OTOF

It is actually possible to reconstruct from George Williamson's book just who these people are and with a reasonable probability. There may be some strange bits of information to deal with so we need to work out some method for transcribing these quotations. We can thank John Keel for his years of research into the UFO phenomenon in the 1960s. Using some information from his book we can indeed work out a method of attack. His study of UFO communications led him to write the following about these so-called UFO entities:

Some of the entities were evil liars.
The thousands of contacts with the entities indicate that they are liars and put-on artists. OTH, pp. 283, 299.

Further, more damning quotations from John Keel about their communications follow: 

The UFO contactees received the same identical messages as the trance mediums communing with spirits. A link had been established. It was now clear (to me anyway) that all of these people were tuned into a central source. My earlier speculations seemed true—the UFO entities and the spirit entities were part of the same gigantic system. OTH, p. 282.

The endless messages from the space people would now fill a library, and while the communicators claim to represent some other world, the contents of those messages are identical to the messages long received by mediums and mystics. OTH, p. 183.

The messages that have been received by mediums and mystics are from spirit entities. Again reinforcing the premise that these UFO entities are really just the same spirit entities that have been troubling the human race since the beginning of time. They are not space aliens visiting this planet in space craft as they would have us believe.

And the following amazing UFO story related by retired Leut. Col. Robert Friend USAF and former head of PROJECT BLUEBOOK lends strong support to this premise:

Two naval intelligence officers were sent to investigate the claims of a woman who claimed to be in contact with extraterrestrials. After going into a trance, she answered scientific and technical questions put to her easily. Then the woman told them that the extraterrestrials were willing to communicate directly through one of the naval officers. This then occurred with one of the officers answering questions put to him by his colleague. One of the questions put to the entities was—Did they favour a religious group? The answer was—No. On asking to see if they could see a spaceship, they were told to go to the window and look. This they did, and they observed a UFO. A call was made for radar confirmation and they were told that that particular quadrant of the area was blanked out on radar at the time.[1]

UFO entities talking through people? Note that this woman went into a trance! And remember John Keel's above comment: "The UFO contactees received the same identical messages as the trance mediums communing with spirits." And John Keel referred to these entities as evil liars and put-on artists!

It certainly does look like these UFO entities are just the same lying spirits that spoke through people that are mentioned in the Bible! And this point can also be very strongly supported by an investigation of the actual methods that George Williamson used to piece these books together:

George Hunt Williamson (December 9, 1926 - January 1986), aka Michael d'Obrenovic and Brother Philip, was one of the "four guys named George" among the mid-1950s contactees. The others were George Adamski, George King, and George Van Tassel. ...
Having read William Dudley Pelley's book Star Guests (1950), Williamson worked for a while for Pelley's cult organization, ...
Pelley had generated huge quantities of communications with "advanced intelligences" via automatic writing, and very clearly was an immediate inspiration to Williamson, who combined his fascination with the occult and with flying saucers by trying to contact flying saucer crews with a home-made Ouija board. ...
Williamson and his wife, and fellow saucer believers Alfred and Betty Bailey, became regular visitors to Adamski's commune ...
The Williamsons and Baileys continued their Ouija-board sessions, getting their own personal revelations from the Space Brothers, which led to a drastic falling-out with Adamski.
In 1954, Williamson and Bailey published The Saucers Speak which emphasized supposed short-wave radio communications with friendly saucer pilots, but in fact depended for almost all its contents on the ouija-board sessions Bailey and Williamson held regularly from 1952 onward.

Contactees are persons who claim to have experienced contact with extraterrestrials.

Further proof that the entities communicating through ouija boards are the same as the UFO entities is given in the investigation of a world wide disaster that was prophesied to happen in 1967. John Keel was then currently investigating the UFO phenomenon trying to get to the bottom of it all when these messages were given around the world:

Meanwhile, mediums, telepaths, sensitives, and UFO contactees throughout the world were all reporting identical messages. There was definitely going to be an unprecedented event on December 24, 1967. Ashtar was talking through Ouija boards to people who had never before heard the name. Another busy entity named Orlon was spreading the word. The curious thing about these messages was that they were all phrased in the same manner, no matter what language was being used. They all carried the same warning. OTH, p. 282.

Many predictions of the December twenty-fourth disaster had been documented well in advance of that date. These messages came through in many different countries, from people who had no knowledge of or communication with one another. The UFO contactees received the same identical messages as the trance mediums communing with spirits. A link had been established. It was now clear (to me anyway) that all of these people were tuned into a central source. My earlier speculations seemed true—the UFO entities and the spirit entities were part of the same gigantic system. ... Some of the entities were evil liars. OTH, p. 283. Comment added by John Keel.

And John Keel doesn't mince any matters with these entities. He refers to them as a bunch of evil liars and put-on artists!

Well if we are dealing with lying spirits we certainly don't have to worry about any messages from them about "evil spacemen" from Orion!

So putting this all together just what sort of approach can we take with the quotations from OTOF?
Well, there is an old saying, where there is smoke, there is fire. So it would be safe to assume that there is some truth in the quotes. However, since we are clearly dealing with evil lying entities there will also be a fair bit of falsehood.

Question: why not just forget the whole thing as the ramblings of lying entities? Well we could. But it appears that the UFO entities have been complaining about these people and this region of the universe for quite a few years. Remember the quote from John Keel's book:

... beginning in the early 1950's, the constellation of Orion is frequently cited as the home of "evil spacemen" who are planning to take over the earth. OTH, p. 190.

There is something coming from Orion and the UFO entities don't like it. Whatever it is, it appears that they are actually frightened of it! Just what could be coming from Orion that the UFO entities would be frightened of? They are trying to warn everyone! Or should I perhaps say, win everyone over to their side, to stand against Orion and the "evil influences" coming from there!

We must tell you about Orion. Many there wish to conquer the Universe. ...
Orion systems want to destroy—remember, Orion is evil (negative). ...
Orion ... is now attempting to interfere on Earth. ...
evil influence ...
Orion's ... Confederation of Evil. ...
The negative space intelligences from Orion ...
"Orion" is used by space visitors to indicate the general area from which the evil influences originate. ...
the evil destroyers ... migrated to Orion in spiritual form. ...
one that seeks to conquer, to subdue. ...
the evil (negative) Orion ...
Orion disturbs other planets and keeps them from operating in the correct manner. ...
Orion interferes and holds back. ...
At present time there is a small group of people on Earth working for Orion. ...
they upset our plans. ...
They prey on the unsuspecting; they are talkative; ...
They have their own Council and the Orion Confederation; ...
they are the Universal parasites! ...
The Orion people are The Intruders in your world.
OTOF pp. 501, 503, 504, 506, 510, 513-515.

In fact, so upset are the entities that they refer to these people as The Intruders in this world, those who interrupt and upset their plans, are Universal parasites, pirates of Creation, disturbers and negative elements, and are those who disrupt, cause dissension, strife, trouble, and interfere! A very interesting mixture of appellations indeed! These people get the universal execration of disapproval from the UFO entities themselves! Just who are these people? Would you like to have a guess?

We are now in a position to actually put together a list of points or identifying marks that will help us identify just who this small group of people on Earth is who are working for Orion. There are mainly two quotations that we will look at identifying persons in this group. As an example of the method being used consider a bit more of the main quotation with added bits:

These people are sometimes small in stature with strange, oriental type eyes. Their faces are thin and they possess weak bodies. ... The Orion people are The Intruders in your world and they come from planets belonging to countless star-suns engulfed by the nebula of Orion.
OTOF, p. 513.

As I said the method will be to take information that looks correct or possibly useful and reject what is most likely not. Removing what is most likely error or junk we obtain:

The Orion people are The Intruders in your world.
OTOF, p. 513.

We simply reject the rest as rubbish. Taking this approach it is actually possible to obtain a reasonable amount of information that can be used to construct a set of points or marks identifying just who does constitute the small group of people on Earth working for Orion.

We proceed as follows.


There are mainly two quotations to investigate that will give us most of the information we need. There are a couple of other persons mentioned identified as Intruders but there is little or no useful information that can be extracted from their quotations so we will not bother with them. Most of the information we require will be found in the two quotations we are going to investigate. Now before going to these two people we are first going to extract some amazing information from the main quotation:

People of Orion are not our kind of people, they do not belong to our Confederation. ... At present time there is a small group of people on Earth working for Orion. ... They have their own Council and the Orion Confederation; ...
Watch for them; their numbers increase as the "sorrows" of Earth increase. ...
our mission is of the Father's authority and His will shall prevail. ...
they cannot harm those who serve the Infinite Father. Pity them, love them, pray for them, for they know not what they do! ...
OTOF, pp. 514-516.

This gives us two incredible bits of information:

This gives us the first identifying mark:
They belong to a religious organization.

Image:Religions of the world

Identifying mark number 1.
They belong to a religious organization.

As proof that we are completely on track consider a cut down version of the quotations of the two people we are going to investigate more fully:

In Florida there is a minister who claims the world is about to end ...
Again, the word "Orion" gives him away. He is under negative control!
OTOF, p. 526.

In The Saucers Speak! a Wyoming evangelist is quoted as saying that God's throne and God, himself, are located in the Orion nebula. ... another Intruder! OTOF, p. 526.

Do these two people belong to a religious organization? The answer is clearly yes! We are on track. In fact we are dead on track!

Better yet, before investigating these two quotations more fully we can even construct our second identifying mark! Just what sort of people are these? Well they are both "ministers" of a religious organization. Are they Buddhists or Moslems? Of course not. It should be obvious that a minister who is claiming that the world is about to end is most likely to be of some Christian persuasion. Similary for the evangelist.

This gives us the second identifying mark:
They are Christians!


Identifying mark number 2.
They are Christians.

So... on to the quotes. On my ufo page I tackle these quotes in actual order of appearance. In retrospect it will be a lot easier if we work on the second quotation first and then move to the first one. The information obtained from the second will actually be very helpful in tackling the first. Here's the second quote in full:

In The Saucers Speak! a Wyoming evangelist is quoted as saying that God's throne and God, himself, are located in the Orion nebula. Once again, the word tells the story. He preaches that the Flying Saucers are piloted by fork-tailed devils—another Intruder!
OTOF, p. 526.

OK here's the process for information extraction.
Information in quote:

Some of this is junk. Now what do we accept and what do we reject?

The Saucers Speak book mentioned;
Sure, the book exists. Accept.

an evangelist in Wyoming;
a simple description of the person. Accept.

quotation mentioned that God's throne and God Himself, are located in the Orion nebula;
God and His throne being located in the Orion nebula? Sounds a bit odd so the average person may consider this as not important and to be ignored. However, it turns out that there are actually quite a few Christians who believe in some connection between God and Orion. This point may be important. As proof of this here are a couple of quotations. The first is from a Christian writer describing conditions just before the return of Jesus to this world:

Dark, heavy clouds came up, and clashed against each other. The atmosphere parted and rolled back, then we could look up through the open space in Orion, from whence came the voice of God. The Holy City will come down through that open space. The Present Truth, Vol. 1, No. 3, August, 1849.

A more recent Christian writer, evangelist, and retired speaker of the It Is Written telecasts, George Vandeman, has written the following about a view of the second coming of Christ, comparing it to a daring rescue of refugees that happened at the end of WWI. It is taken from the last chapter of his book Psychic Roulette. Interestingly, the chapter is titled "Rescue From Orion":

And yet, strange as it may seem, when the Son of God descends the corridors of the sky, some will want Him to come, and some will not. ...
Picture it if you can. Like the ships at Smyrna. A vast mass of humanity pushed to the edge of a smoking, ruined, convulsing world. Caught between the fires of time and the realities of eternity. Desperate for a way off this planet. Scanning the skies for the first hint that rescue is on the way. Staring into space. Straining their eyes for the first glimpse of their Lord as He emerges from the corridors of Orion and rides the cloud closer and closer to the earth. Psychic Roulette, pp. 158, 159.

Note: neither of these two quotations are saying exactly that God and His throne are located in the Orion nebula. But they do clearly imply that when Jesus returns He will descend from Heaven down through the open space in Orion. And the Bible is very clear that when Jesus returns, all of the holy angels will return with him.

We have easily produced two quotations showing that there is a body of Christians who believe in some connection between God and Orion. Also clearly from one of the quotes the belief is that Jesus will return down through the open space in Orion. In general you don't hear much about Orion from Christians. It would be safe to assume then that it is highly likely the evangelist in the OTOF quote was one of these Christian believers.

Having said that, it would also be extremely safe to assume that the evangelist was more likely preaching about the return of Jesus more than the actual location of God and His throne. Simply put, he was probably saying that Jesus will return with the holy angels down through the open space in Orion and that the UFO entities have twisted this to him saying that God and His throne are in the Orion nebula. The two thoughts are not completely dissimilar but the second is far more extreme and not exactly the intent of the first.

The concept of Jesus returning down through the open space in Orion would probably sound a bit odd to the average Christian. The thought of God being located in the Orion nebula is a much stranger concept given the standard view of Heaven that most people hold. The general belief is that when people die they go to Heaven. Having the location of Heaven in Orion would just sound really weird. And it is exactly for this reason that it is very safe to assume this is why the UFO entities have twisted what the evangelist was preaching.

Note that the two quotations we produced do allow for the concept of the gateway to Heaven being out through the opening in Orion. And perhaps the location is there. One day we will all know.

So we can conclude that this is a very safe assumption to make. The evangelist was most likely preaching about the return of Jesus and not the exact location of God and His throne.

As I said, given that there is a body of Christians who actually believe this, this is more likely to be the case. It is very safe to assume that more than likely this understanding of the matter is correct. And the UFO entities have twisted this point to what we read in the quotation.

For most cases it probably means that what they are saying is incorrect and needs to be reinterpreted correctly. For this actual case what they claim the evangelist is preaching may still be reasonable. The above quotations allow for this and it is actually quite possible that God and His throne are located in the Orion nebula [according to what these writers believe]. But more likely what the evangelist was preaching is what we have reconstructed from the above quotations. And we can amend this thought as follows:

When Jesus comes back with all the holy angels He will descend from Heaven down through the open space in Orion. This is really what the evangelist was preaching.

Before moving on we need to note that we made an adjustment in understanding what the quotation was saying. We reinterpreted it and got a more correct understanding of what was being said. We haven't changed the quotation—just got to a better understanding of it. So the UFO entities may actually twist what is happening or said. We just need to be able to untwist it or reinterpret it correctly! We will add this to our list of rules of extraction before proceeding to the first quotation. We now continue with the second:

word mentioned gives information about this person;
Simply put what the evangelist is saying gives him away as an Intruder [to the entities]. Accept.

he is preaching;
Pretty obvious. He is an evangelist. Accept.

flying saucers are piloted by fork-tailed devils;
What do you think? Sure he may have said something about UFOs or flying saucers but do you really think an evangelist would say this? Reject as rubbish.

However there is a very important point to this comment. Just why is it there anyway?
The quotation closes with "another Intruder!" Why? Oh probably because he said they were fork tailed.

But we have rejected this as rubbish. So why do they really consider him an Intruder? We give the answer using our reinterpretation of what was really going on:

He was preaching that when Jesus comes back with all the holy angels He will descend from Heaven down through the open space in Orion!

Note: the entities twisted this to the evangelist preaching "that God's throne and God, himself, are located in the Orion nebula" though for this example this is still pretty similar.

And more to this: it was actually this point that identified the person as an Intruder and not the silly comment about forked tails. The fork-tailed comment was in fact a red herring!

another Intruder.
The entities' view. We have pretty much discussed this in the previous info point above.

Anyway from this quote we have found that part may need some reinterpretation or minor adjustments. This does not mean that we change the quote! Just that we understand it more correctly. So we can amend our rules as follows.

1. extract any useful information;
2. parts may need some reinterpretation or minor adjustments;
3. the rest may be rejected as junk or rubbish or just smoke.

1. extract any useful information;
2. parts may need some reinterpretation or minor adjustments;
3. the rest may be rejected as junk or rubbish or just smoke.

With this extra information we now move to the first quotation. And there is a wealth of information we have obtained from the second quotation that will be very helpful for this one:

In Florida there is a minister who claims the world is about to end, but he will sell any interested party a piece of land in the vicinity of Orion for a few dollars. How does he expect to get the buyers from the doomed Earth to Orion? And if the Earth is going to end, why does he want to accumulate the ready cash?
Again, the word "Orion" gives him away. He is under negative control!
OTOF, p. 526.

From this we make a list of information as follows:

Again, some of this may be junk or twisted. Let's go through it:

there is a minister in Florida;
location of person. and he is a minister. Accept.

he claims that the world is about to end;
Most likely a standard belief a minister would be preaching about. Definitely Accept.

he is selling to any interested party;
To anyone listening he is selling something. Hints at transaction with money involved. For a minister this sounds curious. However there may be some truth to this. Suppose you attend a religious gathering and a message is presented. Can there be any money involved in this? Well a standard approach at many church functions is to take up an offering to defray expenses. Most likely what was happening.

a piece of land;
Selling people a piece of land? Well we get the drift it may be just giving an offering. What about the land? He may be just preaching about Heaven or the New Earth. Pretty clear from the Bible that God's people inherit the earth. Abraham looked for a city whose builder and maker was God! Hebrews 11:8-10. The Redeemed will build houses and inhabit them. Isaiah 65:21. They shall also plant vineyards and enjoy the fruit of them. Same verse. So the UFO entities have jumped on this and claimed he is selling people land for money.

in the vicinity of Orion;
Well the previous quotation gives us the answer here. There is a link with Orion. The idea is that if Jesus is returning with all the holy angels down through the open space in Orion just where is He coming from? Well Jesus is coming from Heaven. Oh, so Orion may be the location or gateway to Heaven? It makes sense this is where the land would be. In Heaven.
So the piece of land in the vicinity of Orion is Heaven!

the amount is a few dollars;
Yes we already worked through this. The minister is preaching about Heaven and the people have obviously given some offering to help defray expenses and the UFO entities are claiming he is selling people land in the vicinity of Orion for a few dollars. We should expect no less from these miserable lying entities.

entities ask how he expects to get the buyers from Earth to Orion;
Any Christian can answer this question—well those Christians that believe that Jesus is coming with all the holy angels down through the open space in Orion.

entities ask if the Earth is going to end, why he wants to accumulate money;
A dud question. We have answered this already. Money given for offering. The minister is not accumulating wealth. Again this is a lie of the entities as we should expect.

"Orion" mentioned in his preaching shows he is under negative control.
The entities' view. Linking this with the other quote he would be considered an Intruder.

OK we have a pretty good idea of what is happening in this quote. And we can extrapolate enough information out of these two quotations to make a point or mark of identification. Actually it is quite possible to construct 3 identifying marks from these quotes. But we are going to take one at a time!

The obvious common ground between these two quotations is Orion: that these people believe that Orion is the gateway or location of Heaven. The more standard accepted belief connected with this thought is that Jesus will descend from Heaven with all the holy angels down to this Earth through the open space in Orion. The quotation by George Vandeman from Psychic Roulette showed this very clearly.

On my UFO page I refer to this belief as the Orion Hypothesis. This then is our next identifying mark of the small group of people on Earth who are working for Orion.

Identifying mark number 3
They believe in the Orion Hypothesis: that Jesus will descend from Heaven with all the holy angels down to this Earth through the open space in Orion.

Image:Second Coming

Identifying mark number 3.
They believe that Jesus will descend from Heaven with all the holy angels down to this Earth through the open space in Orion.

Now a comment on this. Someone may say, wait a minute the quote actually says that they are saying that God's throne and God, Himself, are located in the Orion nebula. Not exactly the same as your identifying mark. As explained above it was adjusted to make it more clearer and correct and easier to identify the group of Christians that believe there is a connection between God and Orion.

Nevertheless a valid point. I will now show it doesn't really matter. Suppose we leave that quote as it stands. This gives
Identifying mark number 3.
They believe that God's throne and God, Himself, are located in the Orion nebula.

Now ask the question, just which group of Christians believe this? It would not take too long to run into some Christians who do believe in some connection. But more than likely they would respond "well yes we do believe there is a connection but it is that Jesus will come down through the open space in Orion to this world."

So whichever way you go you will still arrive at the same destination: the group of Christians who believe that Jesus will descend from Heaven with all the holy angels down to this Earth through the open space in Orion. The identifying mark is correct.

Why the UFO entities are frightened of Orion

Before continuing, this is a very good time to answer a question we raised previously:

There is something coming from Orion and the UFO entities don't like it. In fact I would go as far to say that they are actually frightened of it! Just what could be coming from Orion that the UFO entities would be frightened of?

Well as we have now read, there is a group of Christians who believe that Jesus and the holy angels are coming down through the open space in Orion. We read this before in the quote from Psychic Roulette. Sure, not all Christians believe this but this group does. And if it is true the UFO entities indeed have great concern. John Keel has identified them as the same spirit entities that work through trance mediums. And they have been known to speak through people just like the lying spirits that are recorded in the Bible.

Of these spirits the Bible is very clear that they will be destroyed some time after the return of Christ. Of the leader of this group of spirits the Bible states clearly:

Thou art the anointed cherub that covereth;  ...
I will cast thee as profane out of the mountain of God: and I will destroy thee, O covering cherub, ...
and I will bring thee to ashes upon the earth in the sight of all them that behold thee.
Ezekiel 28:14, 16, 18 KJV.

Not a happy end. And all his followers, the other lying spirits, will be destroyed along with him.
Interestingly, their communications allude to this coming destruction:

Orion systems want to destroy—remember, Orion is evil (negative). OTOF p. 501.
the evil destroyers ... migrated to Orion in spiritual form. OTOF p. 510.

So yes, the UFO entities have great concern for what is coming down from Orion.

"I will destroy thee, O covering cherub, ...
I will bring thee to ashes upon the earth, ..."
Interestingly, their communications allude to this coming destruction:
"Orion systems want to destroy ... the evil destroyers ... migrated to Orion ..."
So yes, the UFO entities have great concern for what is coming down from Orion!

Alright, let's move on to the next identifying mark.

Now I am basically going to construct this one with the information obtained from the previous one.
Mark number 3 identifies a group of Christians who believe that Jesus will return to this world down through the open space in Orion. Simply put it turns out that the Christian group that believes this also give a strong emphasis on keeping the Law of God, specifically the Ten Commandments. Now most Christian groups believe in keeping God's Laws but some have a stronger emphasis on the Ten Commandments. This group is one of them. So again to make the identification easier I was going to suggest as the next point of identification:

Identifying mark number 4.
They believe in keeping the Law of God.

The Rule of Negative Implication

Now at this point I would expect someone to say wait a minute, is this really clear from George Williamson's book? Well the point is valid as it does help identify this group who believe in the Orion connection. But it would be better if we could show this from George's book. Actually this is quite possible though we have to go off the page a bit and construct a new rule to do this. And we are also going to use this new rule to construct point number 6 but that point will be so embarrassingly obvious no one is going to question it.

Before doing this we need to consider some curious points about George's book. As should be pretty obvious by now his book contains not a few communications from the UFO entities or as they are sometimes called, the "space people."

This book contains extraterrestrial communications and it is riddled with Bible quotations. It appears that the majority of the messages from the space people are riddled with Bible quotations. It leaves one with the very strong impression that there must be some sort of weird connection between UFOs and the Bible. This must be disturbing for those who would like to get rid of the Bible completely and embrace an extraterrestrial approach to universal salvation.

But it does not appear to be a good connection. As with this book we have come to a strange part where a group of Christians are being identified as Intruders and in general troublemakers. Wouldn't you expect a book full of Bible quotations to be supportive of Christian groups? So there is definitely something wrong here.

This Christian group definitely has some identification points and they can be clearly found in the Bible. Could we expect to find any in this book? If they are important enough it is possible. If this book is not supportive of this group and clearly it is not, would we not expect any identification points to be either given in a negative view or at best just mentioned or taking a different direction or plain going nowhere?

I have found 2 such points in this book. And there may be others. One of them is embarrassingly obvious and we will leave it for point number 6. We need a new rule to do this and I have decided to call it the Rule of Negative Implication. Simply put it states that a possible point of identification found:
I now invoke this rule on the Law of God or the Creator's Laws or the Laws of the Creator as they are called in this book:
the Creator's Laws OTOF p. 16
The worship of the Creator and the study of His laws, causes and effects; of nature and the great powers waiting for discovery within her bosom . . . all these should be massed into ONE. Hence, science and religion are one, just as everything in the Omniverse is ONE! OTOF p. 34.
the Universal Laws of the Infinite Father. OTOF p. 120.
the Creator, desiring to create worlds, commanded His Four Great Forces to establish law and order in the universe ... OTOF p. 148.
Jupiter is the Creator's Interpreter of Law. Knowledge and Wisdom flowing from His throne. This planet gives to those who desire it: "Ask and ye shall receive; seek and ye shall find; knock and it shall be opened unto you." OTOF p. 166.
this is not living true Universal Law of the Infinite Father. OTOF p. 193.
these beings instructed the prophets in the beauteous laws of love. OTOF p. 350.
The Great Avatar never said: 'Till the end of the world", as so many theologians would have us believe. Actually, He said: "Till the end of the age." Immediately we see that He was referring to the end of the Piscean Age, not the cataclysmic so-called "end" of the literal ground beneath our feet. Further, Christ never spoke in negative terms for His was a ministry of positive thought in contrast with the "thou shalt nots" of the old Mosaic Law. OTOF p. 411.
Now it's true in some of these quotes George [and the UFO entities] is just referring to natural laws that govern the universe but he does state these are Laws of the Creator. The quote about living true Universal Law of the Infinite Father is hardly likely to be talking about obeying the laws of gravity! And any book that talks about Laws of the Creator should mention somewhere the Ten Commandments. And this book clearly does as you can see in the last quote. And they are spoken of in a negative light.

So we have:
Using the rule of negative implication we can very definitely claim the Law of God as an identifying point for the small group of people on Earth who are working for Orion in accordance with the extraterrestrial communications of the UFO entities and the space people as recorded in the book Other Tongues—Other Flesh written by George Williamson.

We then have

Identifying mark number 4
They believe in keeping the Ten Commandments, commonly referred to as the Law of God.

Image:The Law of God

Identifying mark number 4.
They believe in keeping the Ten Commandments, commonly referred to as the Law of God.

This brings us to the strangest of all these points of identification. Someone's no doubt going to say yeah this one takes a bit of an imagination. Maybe. But this point is a lot of fun and there is just no way I am going to leave it out.

Now from before we had determined that these UFO entities are religious in nature.

The Orion Confederation

As religious entities they are part of a religious organization and they refer to it as a Confederation. The people of Orion do not belong to their Confederation. They belong to a different Confederation or religious organization.
If there is some sort of Christian connection, could we not expect there to be some church organizations in this world that use this sort of terminology? Confederation or similar. How about Conference? Or General Conference? There are some church organizations that use this term. So yes, it does sound like this is definitely on track!

The Orion Confederation - General Conference Connection?
Meeting in the city where the Seventh-day Adventist Church's General Conference was first organized, members of the world church's Executive Committee heard a direct call from Adventist world church president Ted N.C. Wilson, to not forget the lessons learned from Adventist history.

Wilson spoke during a Sabbath sermon on April 13, 2013, at the Seventh-day Adventist Tabernacle in downtown Battle Creek, Michigan, part of a weekend planned to commemorate 150 years since leaders of the then-nascent movement voted to organize the loosely knit confederation of believers into a General Conference.[2]

So we now have...

Identifying mark number 5
They have the Orion Confederation: they refer to their world headquarters on the Earth as the General Conference.

Image:Is this their world headquarters?
Is their world headquarters based in
Silver Spring, Maryland, United States?

Note: the UFO entities refer to this as Orion's Confederation of Evil!!

Identifying mark number 5.
They have the Orion Confederation:
they refer to their world headquarters on the Earth as the General Conference.

Just as an aside we could add if we wanted to

Identifying mark number 5a.
They have their own Council: yes, this body of Christian believers have an Annual Council.

I didn't make this 6 as it is really part of 5 if we mention it at all.

Now to mark number 6 the really embarrassing one. This will be by the rule of negative implication but it's hardly needed this one is so obvious. But we will step through the points anyway.

Here it is: the very last chapter of George Williamson's book is titled "THE REMNANT"!!

Well this body of Christians have been proclaiming for years that they constitute the true remnant of Bible prophecy!

Is this an important identifying point of theirs?

So strong is this a point that it is actually built into their fundamental beliefs:

Image:Summary of Fundamental Beliefs

Note the central thought: This has brought forth the remnant, which keeps the commandments of God!

Does the book give the correct Bible understanding of the remnant? Here are some quotes from the chapter:
What people on Earth will survive to inherit the New Age? ...
Certain souls have evolved to the place where the old Earth can no longer teach them anything, therefore, either they or the Earth must graduate to a higher level. Shortly, the entire Earth will be made new in the new vibratory rate and the advanced souls, or The Remnant, will inherit the kingdom of God on Earth. OTOF pp. 572, 573.

As hath been told thee aforetimes, there be a change rapidly metamorphosing much of the material world through the introduction of Cosmic Energy into the very atomic structure of all material objects. ... At the appointed time, this influx of Cosmic Energy, vibrating at an inconceivably increased speed, will cause changes marvelous to behold. OTOF p.593.

The Cosmic Energy now bombarding the Earth and her inhabitants will actually change man's thinking. OTOF p.594.

Therefore, if man's brain is nothing but a receiving and transmitting instrument similar to a radio set, he must be able to receive and interpret the "music of the spheres" or the Great Cosmic Intelligence that forever is permeating all space; man merely must "tune in" to it. Those who refuse to receive the new vibrations mentally, will lose their physical equipment on Earth and thereby give up their "radio sets" that will not accept the new lessons. OTOF p.595.

Those individuals who refuse to accept the higher vibrations mentally, allowing for great spiritual growth and advancement, will experience a definite physiological reaction. OTOF p.596.

... if a person refuses to accept the new Universal lessons presented to him for his use, he sets up an action within his body that causes the RMF to collapse. Clotting occurs and he is said to have died of a "heart attack". The only reason heart attacks are on the increase is because of the new vibrations and man's inability to cope with them, accept them, and understand them. OTOF p.597.

Then shall two be in the field; the one shall be taken, and the other left. Watch therefore: for ye know not what hour your Lord doth come.' We have registered in our records the names and locations of those who have lived with right intent. These are the ones who shall be taken up in our ships while the Earth goes through cataclysmic upheavals. ...
Later, The Remnant, will be returned to the surface of Earth where they will be the new race in a new world. OTOF p.592.
Even the most bitter opposers who do not accept this Christian group's views on the remnant would have a lot of trouble swallowing these quotes given above.

Is the remnant given in a negative light? This point was not absolutely necessary. Given what is written above this is hardly necessary.

Is the remnant mentioned more than once in the book? We have a whole chapter dedicated to this topic! And it is referred elsewhere in the book.

So yes by the rule of negative implication we can very certainly claim the remnant as an identifying point for the small group of people on Earth who are working for Orion.

We then have

Identifying mark number 6
They claim to be The Remnant.

Identifying mark number 6.
They claim to be The Remnant.

This brings us to the very last mark of identification. And it takes us back to where this all started:

In The Saucers Speak! a Wyoming evangelist is quoted as saying that God's throne and God, himself, are located in the Orion nebula. OTOF, p. 526.

It was determined that we were considering a group of Christians. The group of Christians pointed out as believing in a connection with Orion and God believe that when Jesus returns He will descend down through the open space in Orion. Or more simply just the quote inference, they believe in a connection between Orion and God. One Christian writer stated :

Straining their eyes for the first glimpse of their Lord as He emerges from the corridors of Orion and rides the cloud closer and closer to the earth. Psychic Roulette, p. 159.

This view is basically accepted by this Christian group worldwide. But where did this concept originate from? We find the answer by looking at the other quotation mentioned:

Dark, heavy clouds came up, and clashed against each other. The atmosphere parted and rolled back, then we could look up through the open space in Orion, from whence came the voice of God. The Holy City will come down through that open space.
The Present Truth, Vol. 1, No. 3, August, 1849.

Note the date written. This was close to the time when this group of Christian believers became an organised body of Christian believers. The author of the quotation was one of the founding members of this group and her name was Ellen White. This is where this theory can be traced to. For this view to be widely accepted by this group of believers throughout the Earth it is pretty obvious that they must have accepted her writings as reasonably authoritative. This then is the last identifying mark of the small group of people on Earth who are working for Orion:

Identifying mark number 7
They believe in the writings of Ellen White.

Image:Ellen White writings

Identifying mark number 7.
They believe in the writings of Ellen White.


We now have 7 identifying marks for the small group of people on Earth who are working for Orion. And these 7 points of identification have been constructed from George Williamson's book Other Tongues—Other Flesh according to the extraterrestrial communications of the UFO entities and the space people.

The 7 identification points for the small group of people on Earth working for Orion are:
  1. They belong to a religious organization;
  2. They are Christians;
  3. They believe that when Jesus returns with all the holy angels He will descend from Heaven down through the open space in Orion;
  4. They believe in keeping the Ten Commandments, commonly referred to as the Law of God;
  5. They have the Orion Confederation: they refer to their world headquarters as the General Conference;
    5a. Yes they have their own Council too: This group of believers have an Annual Council;
  6. They claim to be The Remnant; and
  7. They believe in the writings of Ellen White.
The UFO entities hate this group of people and say that they upset their plans!

Does anyone recognize which group of Christian believers this is?

Possible objection and interesting extra point of identification:
Now someone may say is this group of Christian believers really small enough to be considered a small group of people on Earth?
I will give two answers to this:

  1. Compared with the teeming billions of Earth's population... yes they are;
  2. We have clearly identified that it is a Christian group we are dealing with. From the very beginning of this study it was very obvious that we were in an area of religion with respect to the UFO entities. This was very clear from George Williamson's book. Having said that the rest of this answer will use very simple Christian terminology. Of the two people identified one is a minister and the other is an evangelist. This point wasn't expanded on but it is highly likely that the UFO entities are actually targeting the preachers in this group of Christian believers. That is, the gospel workers who are tirelessly working bringing in souls for the kingdom of God. Considering that we have determined that the UFO entities are the same spirit entities that communicate through trance mediums and are obviously the same lying spirits that the Bible mentions, this vitriol directed at God's ministers and evangelists should really come as no surprise!
    Note: this means that if we take the evangelists and ministers of this group of Christians as constituting the Intruders according to the UFO entities and space people this group suddenly gets a whole lot smaller!


Under Investigation: Are we alone?
After landmark UFO report, one question remains
By Lauren McWilliams
Approx 17 Feb 2022

On June 25 last year, US President Joe Biden's Director of National Intelligence released a report on UFOs, using a new acronym: UAP or "Unidentified Aerial Phenomena".

For the first time in history, the US government acknowledged that UFOs are real, and may present a military threat.

George Hunt Williamson, OTHER TONGUES—OTHER FLESH, 1953, Amherst Press: Amherst, Wisconsin.
This book appears to be available in various formats: pdf, epub and directly on the web. There may be others. And they all appear to have different pagination. The pagination given here is for the epub version I have. It is approximate. Whichever version you have, most of the quotes here are from Chapter 6 The Intruders.

John A. Keel,  OPERATION TROJAN HORSE: An exhaustive study of unidentified flying objects - revealing their source and the forces that control them,* 1973, Abacus.

The Present Truth old reprints published by
Review and Herald Publishing Association, Washington, DC.

George Vandeman, Psychic Roulette, Pacific Press Publishing Assocation, 1973.

Summary of Fundamental Beliefs: document sighted about 1980.

Picture of Orion Nebula courtesy of Space Telescope Science Institute Hubble Site:

Religious symbols from:

Various pics from:
The Bible in Pictures
by M. Bihn & J. Bealings
©1922, The John A. Hertel Company
Ellen White pic etc courtesy of the Ellen G. White Estate, Inc.

1. UFOs: It Has Begun, 97 min - Documentary - 1976 (USA), Sandler Institutional Films, Inc.
This documentary appears to have taken some flack for some possible questionable editing of some interviews. The quote used in this study looks OK. The Robert Friend quote has been paraphrased. If anyone wants to check this, I believe that the documentary can be viewed on-line for verification.

2. 'No more anniversaries,' Wilson says in Spring Meeting sermon
Battle Creek, Michigan, United States
Mark A. Kellner, News Editor, Adventist Review
Adventist News Network

* Note: the front cover has name: U.F.O.s OPERATION TROJAN HORSE
The O and s have the s superimposed over the O to the top and the right and above the period.
The side spine gives: UFO's: OPERATION TROJAN HORSE John A. Keel ABACUS
This copy looks identical to my original paperback copy I purchased back in the 1970s before I became a Christian.

Image:John Keel: "UFOs Operation Trojan Horse" paperback cover design ABACUS 1973 edition

Image:John Keel: "UFO's: Operation Trojan Horse" paperback side spine ABACUS 1973 edition

Who was John Keel?

John Alva Keel, born Alva John Kiehle (March 25, 1930 - July 3, 2009) was an American journalist and influential UFOlogist who is best known as author of The Mothman Prophecies.

In 1967, Keel popularized the term "Men In Black" in an article for the men's adventure magazine Saga, entitled "UFO Agents of Terror". According to Keel, he initially sought to explain UFOs as extraterrestrial visitations, but later abandoned this hypothesis. His third book, UFOs: Operation Trojan Horse published in 1970, linked UFOs to supernatural concepts such as monsters, ghosts and demons. Keel used the term "ultraterrestrials" to describe UFO occupants he believed to be non-human entities capable of taking on whatever form they want.

His 1975 book, The Mothman Prophecies was Keel's account of his investigation into alleged sightings in West Virginia of a huge, winged creature called the "Mothman." The book combines Keel's account of receiving strange phone calls with reports of mutilated pets and culminates with the December 15, 1967, collapse of the Silver Bridge across the Ohio River. The book was widely popularized as the basis of a 2002 film of the same name starring Richard Gere.

Prolific and imaginative, Keel was considered a significant influence within the UFO and Fortean genre.

Note: it is believed that the character Richard Gere plays in this movie, and actually named John, is loosely based on John Keel himself and his experiences in West Virginia. The movie also gives a fascinating insight into the workings and abilities of the ultraterrestrials.

The Mothman Prophecies is a 2002 psychological thriller film directed by Mark Pellington, based on the 1975 book of the same name by parapsychologist and Fortean author John Keel. ... The film stars Richard Gere as John Klein, a reporter who researches the legend of the Mothman.
The film claims to be based on actual events that occurred between November 1966 and December 1967 in Point Pleasant, West Virginia.

Who was George Hunt Williamson?

George Hunt Williamson (December 9, 1926 - January 1986), aka Michael d'Obrenovic and Brother Philip, was one of the "four guys named George" among the mid-1950s contactees. The others were George Adamski, George King, and George Van Tassel. ...

Having read William Dudley Pelley's book Star Guests (1950), Williamson worked for a while for Pelley's cult organization, ...
Pelley had generated huge quantities of communications with "advanced intelligences" via automatic writing, and very clearly was an immediate inspiration to Williamson, who combined his fascination with the occult and with flying saucers by trying to contact flying saucer crews with a home-made Ouija board. ... Williamson and his wife, and fellow saucer believers Alfred and Betty Bailey, became regular visitors to Adamski's commune ...

The Williamsons and Baileys continued their Ouija-board sessions, getting their own personal revelations from the Space Brothers, which led to a drastic falling-out with Adamski.

In 1954, Williamson and Bailey published The Saucers Speak which emphasized supposed short-wave radio communications with friendly saucer pilots, but in fact depended for almost all its contents on the ouija-board sessions Bailey and Williamson held regularly from 1952 onward. ... Williamson also reveals that while most space aliens are helpful and good, there are some very bad ones hanging out near Orion and headed for earth in force, bent on conquest.

Williamson became a more obscure competitor to Adamski, eventually combining his own channelling and the beliefs of a small contactee cult ... to produce a series of books about the secret, ancient history of mankind: Other Tongues—Other Flesh (1957), Secret Places of the Lion (1958), UFOs Confidential with John McCoy (1958), Road in the Sky (1959) and Secret of the Andes (1961). These books, when not rewriting the Old and New Testaments to depict every important person as a reincarnation of one of only six or eight different "entities, ... and, according to Williamson, spacemen had also helped materially in the founding of the Jewish and Christian religions, impersonating "gods" and providing "miracles" when needed. Williamson spiced his books with additional Ouija-revelations to the effect that some South, Central and North American ancient civilizations actually began as colonies of human-appearing extraterrestrials. Williamson can be considered a more mystically-inclined forerunner of Erich von Däniken; Secret Places of the Lion also displays the clear and explicit influence of Immanuel Velikovsky.

Considering that John Keel has described these UFO entities as a bunch of evil liars and put-on artists it would do well for the general public to reject these suppositions especially the part about the group from Orion being very bad.

Further reflections on all of this:
Just about all of George Williamson's UFO communications appear to have come by ouija-board. The ouija-board is a tool that is well known to be used by mediums to communicate with the spirit world during a seance. It would appear that the UFO entities who were communicating with George Williamson were in reality just the plain old lying spirits that have been troubling the human race since the beginning of time. These supposed UFO entities are not space aliens visiting this planet in space craft as they would have us believe. In fact they are just the old lying spirits that are mentioned in the Bible and who spoke through people, just like in a seance. The Bible refers to these evil lying entities as spirits or demons or devils or fallen angels. Take your pick. And just like John Keel's "ultraterrestrials", they are non-human entities capable of taking on whatever form they want.

Companion pages:

UFOs Operation Trojan Horse: some gems UFOs Operation Trojan Horse: some gems Here are some real gems from John Keel's book UFOs: Operation Trojan Horse. These quotations, taken as a sum, show the true nature of the phenomenon.

UFOs: THE ANSWER! UFOs: THE ANSWER! UFO entities' hidden agenda for planet Earth finally revealed! Hidden in some UFO communications a message has been found that reveals their true hidden agenda for planet Earth!

The Paul movie—a puzzling review The Paul movie—a puzzling review Why is this movie anti-religion and pro-Evolution? Actual UFO communications do not support the sentiments promulgated in this movie!

UFO ALIENS and DEMONOLOGY UFO ALIENS and DEMONOLOGY A challenge for those who want to believe in the UFO extraterrestrial theory. View these images and deny any relationship between demonology and space aliens!

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Stephen Robert Buckley
E-mail: orionconfederation [at]
Last revised: 6 Feb 2024.

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