The UFO entities' rebel Confederation is waging war for complete domination of planet EarthGeorge Hunt Williamson (December 9, 1926 - January 1986), aka Michael d'Obrenovic and Brother Philip, was one of the "four guys named George"
among the mid-1950s UFO contactees. The others were George Adamski, George King, and George Van Tassel.
And George's books contain quite a few messages from the UFO entities.
In his book Other Tongues—Other Flesh we find the following curious comments:
The Great Plan for the planet Earth moves along ...
our plans. ...
we will succeed, ... pp. 19, 514, 516.
And a direct request from the UFO entities to all the people on Earth:
The entity identified himself as OX-HO and declared that he had come from a galaxy very near our own to help the people on Earth... "People on Earth,
open your doors to our help, for you need it desperately. Remember that we are always on the alert and (we) are now holding off and fighting any enemies
... Join our Confederation ..."
Brad Steiger, Aquarian Revelations: Channeling Higher Intelligence, pp. 98-99.
Emphasis supplied.
This is a request for all the people of Earth to join the UFO entities' rebel confederation! John Keel, in his book UFOs:Operation Trojan Horse, refers to these entities as a bunch of evil liars and put-on artists. pp. 283, 299.
So we can be sure of a couple of things: the UFO entities are not here to help us. And John Keel says just as much:
Do the ultraterrestrials really care about us? There is much disturbing evidence that they don't. They care only to the extent that we can fulfill our enigmatic use to them. UFOs:Operation Trojan Horse, p. 247.
And we do not desperately need to join their rebel confederation.
BUT we can infer from this that the UFO entities desperately need the people of Earth to join their confederation!
There is a spiritual war going on between these two confederations: the UFO entities' rebel confederation, and the Orion Confederation. As long as there are some people on Earth who are members of the Orion Confederation the UFO entities cannot claim complete conquest of planet Earth!
The UFO entities have preparations and plans for planet Earth!
The Great Plan for the planet Earth moves along ...
our plans. ...
The Orion people are The Intruders in your world ...
we will not have them disturb our preparations and plans for the Earth planet. ...
They will persist, but they will not succeed—but we will succeed, ...
George Williamson, Other Tongues—Other Flesh, pp. 19, 514, 515, 516.
The UFO entities are working with deception and hostility!
John Keel, commenting about the unlikely ability of certain contactees to make up the stories they were telling or to construct the complicated hoaxes which followed, wrote the following:
No, the real truth lies in another direction. The contactees from 1897 on have been telling us what they were told by the ufonauts.
The ufonauts are the liars, not the contactees. And they are lying deliberately as part of the bewildering smokescreen which
they have established to cover their real origin, purpose, and motivation.
Some of the entities were evil liars.
The thousands of contacts with the entities indicate that they are liars and put-on artists. UFOs:Operation Trojan Horse, pp.213, 283, 299.
John Keel believed that the UFO phenomenon "smacks uneasily of a covert military operation." The patterns and occurrences of certain UFO incidents are such "that we must wonder if they aren't really deliberate." The UFO entities appear to be following a script of "carefully planned confusion and deception." They appear to "set up a careful smokescreen to cover their real activities." Like "the original Trojan Horse, they seem to conceal hostile intent. ... This hostility theory is further supported by the fact that the objects choose, most often, to appear in forms which we can readily accept and explain to our own satisfaction." OTH, pp.27, 64, 78, 94, 167.
Are UFOs dangerous?
There are now well-documented cases of people being seriously injured, even killed, by flying saucers. John Keel, UFOs:Operation Trojan Horse, p.46.
Dabbling with UFOs can be as dangerous as dabbling with black magic. OTH, p.220.
The UFO entities plan to eradicate those who do not join their rebel confederation!
People of Orion are not our kind of people, they do not belong to our Confederation. ...
At present time there is a small group of people on Earth working for Orion. ...
they upset our plans. ...
They have their own Council and the Orion Confederation; ...
Disturbers, negative elements; soon they will be eradicated. ...
The Orion people are The Intruders in your world ...
we will not have them disturb our preparations and plans for the Earth planet.
George Williamson, Other Tongues—Other Flesh, pp. 514, 515.
Emphasis supplied.
It is true this is mainly pointing at the Orion Confederation. But if you look at this carefully it is because they are not members of the UFO entities' rebel Confederation!
It could be argued that the UFO entities plan to eradicate anyone who is not a member of their rebel confederation!
And there does appear to be a directive for the people of Earth to join a Confederation:
The entity identified himself as OX-HO and declared that he had come from a galaxy very near our own to help the people on Earth...
"People on Earth, open your doors to our help, for you need it desperately. Remember that we are always on the alert and (we)
are now holding off and fighting any enemies ... Join our Confederation ..."
Brad Steiger, Aquarian Revelations: Channeling Higher Intelligence, pp. 98-99.
Emphasis supplied.
The call in this quotation is for the people of Earth to Join the UFO entities' rebel Confederation!
And there are only two Confederations locked in a spiritual battle for this planet:
the UFO entities' own rebel Confederation, and the Orion Confederation.
As usual this sort of battle comes down to making a decision between two opposing sides. There are no others. And there is no middle ground in this final
There is help coming from Orion and it will be to bring to an end the terrible reign of the rebel confederation of the UFO entities on this planet! The UFO entities have great concern for what is coming from Orion and clearly state this:
Orion systems want to destroy—remember, Orion is evil (negative). ...
the evil destroyers ... migrated to Orion in spiritual form.
George Williamson, Other Tongues—Other Flesh, pp. 501, 510.
The Orion branch of the Orion Confederation is working toward the complete eradication of evil from the universe so the UFO entities have good reason to be concerned since their rebel confederation is evil in nature!!
Just what is coming from Orion anyway?See our general information page about who we are. This is covered in much more detail there.
The UFO entities' Elder Brother is soon to appear!
Very few ministers are telling their congregations that the Saucers may have a connection with the "signs in the skies" that the prophets of old spoke of. Some theologians, however, believe that the coming of the Saucers heralds the coming of the Elder Brother himself.
... the imminent return of the Elder Brother. ...
The Saucers constitute the "Host" which is the forerunner of the promised "Second Coming" of the Elder Brother. ...
The space friends have said that they would keep out all the negative forces, but they also said a "square star-body" was coming to Earth. As time goes on, the anti-Christ or negative forces will become more powerful. This is a sure sign of the Second Coming.
George Williamson, Other Tongues—Other Flesh, pp. 432, 435, 484, 528[typo corrected].
The UFO entities' Elder Brother
UFO communications very clearly state that some great personage they refer to as the Elder Brother is coming in a UFO and will one day appear.
How soon we do not know.
But he's coming.
And they refer to this as the Second Coming.
The Saucers constitute the "Host" which is the forerunner of the promised "Second Coming" of the Elder Brother. George Williamson, Other Tongues—Other Flesh, p.484.
The Second Coming is of course a reference to the Biblical Second Coming of Christ.
This is interesting for if you read the Bible it states that the Christ is not coming in a UFO.
The only conclusion that could be drawn from this is that the UFO entities' Elder Brother is a counterfeit!
Many Christian writers have warned of a great personage appearing on the world scene who will take control of the whole world and send it down a road of terrible tragedy. And there is always mention of a faithful few who will oppose this threat and stand for the truth.
As an example, one Christian writer gives the following view:
As the crowning act in the great drama of deception, Satan himself will personate Christ. The church has long professed to look to the Saviour's advent as the consummation of her hopes. Now the great deceiver will make it appear that Christ has come. In different parts of the earth, Satan will manifest himself among men as a majestic being of dazzling brightness, resembling the description of the Son of God given by John in the Revelation. The glory that surrounds him is unsurpassed by anything that mortal eyes have yet beheld. The shout of triumph rings out upon the air: 'Christ has come! Christ has come!' The people prostrate themselves in adoration before him, while he lifts up his hands and pronounces a blessing upon them, as Christ blessed His disciples when He was upon the earth. His voice is soft and subdued, yet full of melody. In gentle, compassionate tones he presents some of the same gracious, heavenly truths which the Saviour uttered; he heals the diseases of the people, ... This is the strong, almost overmastering delusion. Like the Samaritans who were deceived by Simon Magus, the multitudes, from the least to the greatest, give heed to these sorceries, saying: This is 'the great power of God.' (see Acts 8:10). But the people of God will not be misled. The teachings of this false christ are not in accordance with the Scriptures.1
Only one group of people stand in their way of complete world conquest: The Orion Confederation!
At present time there is a small group of people on Earth working for Orion. ...
they upset our plans. ...
They have their own Council and the Orion Confederation; ...
Disturbers, negative elements; ...
The Orion people are The Intruders in your world ...
we will not have them disturb our preparations and plans for the Earth planet. ...
This is the pattern of The Intruder—to disrupt, cause dissension, strife, trouble, interfere!
George Williamson, Other Tongues—Other Flesh, pp. 514, 515, 526.
The small group of people on Earth who are working for Orion
At present time there is a small group of people on Earth working for Orion. ...
they upset our plans. ...
They have their own Council and the Orion Confederation; ... OTOF, pp. 514, 515.

Is their world headquarters based in
Silver Spring, Maryland, United States?
Join the Orion Confederation
Support the small group of people on Earth who are standing in the way of the UFO entities' plan for complete world conquest!
Members of the Orion Confederation generally meet once a week when they are able for discussions and encouragement and information sessions and spiritual support.
Meetings should not be closed. Also visitors and new members should be welcome.
See our general information page about who they are for further information.
There may be a group meeting near your location.
John A. Keel, OPERATION TROJAN HORSE: An exhaustive study of unidentified flying objects - revealing their source and the forces that control them,
1973, Abacus.
George Hunt Williamson, Other Tongues—Other Flesh, 1953, Amherst Press: Amherst, Wisconsin.
This book appears to be available in various formats: pdf, epub and directly on the web. There may be others. And they all
appear to have different pagination. The pagination given here is for the epub version and is approximate.
1. The Triumph of God's Love, pp. 545, 546, by Ellen G. White, Pacific Press Publishing Association, 1939.
Who was John Keel?
In 1967, Keel popularized the term "Men In Black" in an article for the men's adventure magazine Saga, entitled "UFO Agents of Terror". According to Keel, he initially sought to explain UFOs as extraterrestrial visitations, but later abandoned this hypothesis. His third book, UFOs: Operation Trojan Horse published in 1970, linked UFOs to supernatural concepts such as monsters, ghosts and demons. Keel used the term "ultraterrestrials" to describe UFO occupants he believed to be non-human entities capable of taking on whatever form they want.
His 1975 book, The Mothman Prophecies was Keel's account of his investigation into alleged sightings in West Virginia of a huge, winged creature called the "Mothman." The book combines Keel's account of receiving strange phone calls with reports of mutilated pets and culminates with the December 15, 1967, collapse of the Silver Bridge across the Ohio River. The book was widely popularized as the basis of a 2002 film of the same name starring Richard Gere.
Prolific and imaginative, Keel was considered a significant influence within the UFO and Fortean genre.
Note: it is believed that the character Richard Gere plays in this movie, and actually named John, is loosely based on John Keel himself and his experiences in West Virginia. The movie also gives a fascinating insight into the workings and abilities of the ultraterrestrials.
The film claims to be based on actual events that occurred between November 1966 and December 1967 in Point Pleasant, West Virginia.
Who was George Hunt Williamson?
Having read William Dudley Pelley's book Star Guests (1950), Williamson worked for a while for Pelley's cult organization, ...
Pelley had generated huge quantities of communications with "advanced intelligences" via automatic writing, and very clearly was an immediate inspiration to Williamson, who combined his fascination with the occult and with flying saucers by trying to contact flying saucer crews with a home-made Ouija board. ... Williamson and his wife, and fellow saucer believers Alfred and Betty Bailey, became regular visitors to Adamski's commune ...
The Williamsons and Baileys continued their Ouija-board sessions, getting their own personal revelations from the Space Brothers, which led to a drastic falling-out with Adamski.
In 1954, Williamson and Bailey published The Saucers Speak which emphasized supposed short-wave radio communications with friendly saucer pilots, but in fact depended for almost all its contents on the ouija-board sessions Bailey and Williamson held regularly from 1952 onward. ... Williamson also reveals that while most space aliens are helpful and good, there are some very bad ones hanging out near Orion and headed for earth in force, bent on conquest.
Williamson became a more obscure competitor to Adamski, eventually combining his own channelling and the beliefs of a small contactee cult ... to produce a series of books about the secret, ancient history of mankind: Other Tongues—Other Flesh (1957), Secret Places of the Lion (1958), UFOs Confidential with John McCoy (1958), Road in the Sky (1959) and Secret of the Andes (1961). These books, when not rewriting the Old and New Testaments to depict every important person as a reincarnation of one of only six or eight different "entities, ... and, according to Williamson, spacemen had also helped materially in the founding of the Jewish and Christian religions, impersonating "gods" and providing "miracles" when needed. Williamson spiced his books with additional Ouija-revelations to the effect that some South, Central and North American ancient civilizations actually began as colonies of human-appearing extraterrestrials. Williamson can be considered a more mystically-inclined forerunner of Erich von Däniken; Secret Places of the Lion also displays the clear and explicit influence of Immanuel Velikovsky.
Considering that John Keel has described these UFO entities as a bunch of evil liars and put-on artists it would do well for the general public to reject these suppositions especially the part about the group from Orion being very bad.
Further reflections on all of this:
Just about all of George Williamson's UFO communications appear to have come by ouija-board. The ouija-board is a tool that is well known to be used by mediums to communicate with the spirit world during a seance. It would appear that the UFO entities who were communicating with George Williamson were in reality just the plain old lying spirits that have been troubling the human race since the beginning of time. These supposed UFO entities are not space aliens visiting this planet in space craft as they would have us believe. In fact they are just the old lying spirits that are mentioned in the Bible and who spoke through people, just like in a seance. The Bible refers to these evil lying entities as spirits or demons or devils or fallen angels. Take your pick. And just like John Keel's "ultraterrestrials", they are non-human entities capable of taking on whatever form they want.
UFO image from
Elder Brother pic adjusted from
Earth pic remix:
NASA/NOAA/GSFC/Suomi NPP/VIIRS/Norman Kuring [Public domain], via Wikimedia Commons
Moon pic remix:
Gregory H. Revera [CC BY-SA 3.0 (https://creativecommons.org/licenses/by-sa/3.0) or GFDL
(http://www.gnu.org/copyleft/fdl.html)], from Wikimedia Commons

Mixture of interesting topics: Prophecy, UFO information, etc.
Topics arranged in categories: Wonderful Important Controversial Health
Stephen Robert Buckley
E-mail: orionconfederation [at] duck.com
Last revised: 17 Feb 2024.
Companion pages
The Orion Confederation Questions and Answers Page
You won't find anything here about green women but you will find answers to important questions such as:
Is Orion really the home of evil spacemen who are planning to take over the Earth?
Are forces from Epsilon already here in the form of poltergeists?
Are flying saucers interplanetary spacecraft?
Is there any recorded intelligence behind UFO activities?
The UFO entities warn of two things coming soon. What are they?
The main cause of heart attacks according to the UFO entities?
The most profound thought the human race now possesses?
Was John Keel a member of the Orion Confederation?
Is Evolution the biological process throughout the universe?
What about the Paul movie? Why is it anti-religion and pro-Evolution?
and much much more...
This is our general information page about the Orion Confederation and who they possibly are.
Here are some real gems from John Keel's book UFOs: Operation Trojan Horse. These quotations, taken as a sum, show the true nature of the phenomenon.
UFO entities' hidden agenda for planet Earth finally revealed! Hidden in some UFO communications a message has been found that reveals their true hidden agenda for planet Earth!
Why is this movie anti-religion and pro-Evolution? Actual UFO communications do not support the sentiments promulgated in this movie!
A challenge for those who want to believe in the UFO extraterrestrial theory. View these images and deny any relationship between demonology and space aliens!
Support the small group of people on Earth who are standing in the way of the UFO entities' plan for complete world conquest!
Join the Orion Confederation
Take your stand against the coming UFO threat!
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